| 1. | They had brought up their sons to stand on their own feet 他们培养儿子自立生活。 |
| 2. | Women cadres shoud stand on their own feet and make unremitting efforts 女干部要在改革大潮中自立自强 |
| 3. | The great awakening association chairman left receives a nt 50 , 000 contribution to help new - life seekers stand on their own feet 捐赠新台币五万元帮助更生人自立更生,由大觉会会长左代表接受。 |
| 4. | Charitable merchandise does not provide real support , we must put them on their way so that they can stand on their own feet 慈善商业行为并不是真正的扶助,我们必得帮他们找到自己的路,方能令他们自力更生。 ” |
| 5. | A stricter residence requirement for cssa would encourage new arrivals who can work to try their best to stand on their own feet before turning to welfare assistance 对综援申请人实施更严格的居港规定,可鼓励有工作能力的新来港人士在申请福利援助前,先尽可能自食其力。 |
| 6. | Article 1 this act is enacted to enhance the welfare of women , assist those women suffering hardship , providing the emergency care , help them to stand on their own feet and improve their living environment 第1条(立法目的)为加强照顾妇女福利,扶助特殊境遇妇女解决生活困难,给予紧急照顾,协助其自立自强及改善生活环境,特制定本条例。 |